Описание игры
- Издательство:
- Автор: Steve Jackson
- Иллюстратор: John Kovalic

Оригинальное англоязычное расширение к игре Munchkin Bites! Внимание, это не самостоятельная игра, а дополнение – используется только вместе с игрой Munchkin Bites! Целых 110 абсолютно новых карт... и две пустые карты, чтобы придумать своих собственных ужасных монстров или оружие, от которого бросает в дрожь! ;-) В Россию это расширение завезено в небольших количествах (и врядли будет в ближайшее время издано на русском).
Описание с коробки:
Munchkin is about beating up monsters, taking their stuff, and sequels. Munchkin Bites! is no different. Thus were born... the Pants Macabre.
The World of Dorkness has been busy in the past year. Can you face the sonic stylings of Ten Inch Tacks, the annoyance of the Gnat Bats, and the chilling waddle of the Were-Penguin? Will you wield the might of Power Piercing with the Huge Dice Pool, or will you be bludgeoned by Bad Fiction? And do you dare play the new Race... the Mummy?
In addition to the always awesome art from John Kovalic, we have two guest artists: Pete Abrams of Sluggy Freelance and Maritza Campos of College Roommates from Hell. The jokes can be blamed on Steve Jackson.
It's got 110 shiny new... no, not shiny, dark! It's got 110 dark and evil new cards, plus two blanks to create your own. And of course, like all other Munchkin releases, this supplement is completely compatible with the original Munchkin and all its supplements and spinoffs. Of course, since Pants Macabre has powers, it will work especially well with Super Munchkin.
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